By Ari Meier

The ScreamBed Chronicles is a book of essays and poetry. The essays chronicle different relationships and other intimate encounters from the author’s past. Some of the essays deal with the author’s earlier days as a cheating man whore, the dynamics of interracial relationships, avoiding love and commitment while getting as much sex as possible among others.

Several women were interviewed in one essay about their cheating experiences as a reminder to guys in denial about how good women cheat when they do. The poetry is scattered throughout the book and its themes range from love, sex, and the erotic.

Some men will find the tone of this book disturbing, maybe because of a perceived assault on “male values” or that the author is pandering to women as a doorway to getting them; but the many men who are great husbands and boyfriends will not be offended by the straight talk about men’s behaviors in relationships.
